PiPad Build
Two weeks before I had to leave for Maker Faire Bay Area 2013, I decided it was time I built an enclosure for the PiPad. I’d been helping a guy in the Shed Tech Support queue that needed some help with his Maker Faire project, and thought “You know, I want a Maker Faire project too.” Crazy – right? I had all the parts, so really the only thing holding me back until this point was a deadline. According to Parkinson’s Law “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion” so at two weeks, I didn’t have much time for expansion. I started on some conceptual CAD work for the project before so I had a *slight* idea of what I was doing.
- Machining the frame on the CNC machine. (Hint – Draw your screw holes in CAD and have the machine drill them. Then you never have to worry about hitting your screws with your toolpath.
- I later learned I didn’t have room for all this foam tape!
- After drilling a hole on each side of the slot, I used a coping saw to clear out the rest of the wood.
- A strip of sand paper was used to smooth out the cut marks on the slot.
- Test fitting of the power supply (making sure there is clearance for the USB plug.)
- Test fit of all components.
- Test fitting.
- I sanded the top of the frame to make sure the LCD screen would fit flush.
- Walnut stain really brought out the beauty of the Baltic birch.
- The carbon fiber back being glued in place with super glue. The holes are so I can see the power supply battery level.
- Lots ‘o’ clamps.
- A nice bead of superglue to make sure everything stays together.
- The components are held in place with either permanent double stick tape or foam tape.
- You may notice that the Pi is missing the Ethernet port and one of the USB ports. That’s because I ran into clearance issues with the LCD screen. Whoops.
- It works! Completed PiPad running Raspbmc!
Design Goals:
I like simplistic, functional design. I don’t like extra crap that doesn’t do anything and I enjoy fun, hidden features. I also like for my projects to look as “sexy” as possible. I thought about hollowing out a book and putting it in there (like Penny’s book computer from Inspector Gadget) but decided to go with a stand-alone tablet form-factor. Since I wanted to let the PiPad keep me company on flights, the enclosure had to look as factory as possible, while remaining accessible and usable. The last thing I want is for it to freak out the TSA or the old lady sitting next to me.
Bill of Materials:
- Frame Material – 1/2″ Baltic Birch Plywood (local lumber supply)
- Backing Material – 1/16″ Carbon Fiber Sheet (I buy scraps from here and happened to get a flawless, large piece. Don’t count on that!)
- Finish – Watco Dark Walnut Oil Finish – Amazon
- Latch / closing – 14 – NdFeB Magnets – Amazon (These are *probably* overkill.)
- Battery – Anker Astro3E 10,000mAh battery – Puts out 3A @ 5V! Gives me about 6hrs of battery life.
- WiFi – I’m using this adapter from Monoprice, but this one from Amazon should work well too.
- USB HUB – IOGear Micro Powered USB Hub (removed from casing)
- Bluetooth – After experiencing issues with an AZIO bluetooth dongle, I switched to one like this and it worked great.
- Keyboard – Adesso Bluetooth Mini Keyboard
- Main brain – Raspberry Pi Model B (Ethernet and 1 USB port removed.) Edit – The Raspberry Pi Model B has been discontinued. The most recent version is the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ which is available here. You’ll need to retool the build for this board or try to find an old Model B if you’re trying to recreate it exactly.
- Heat Sinks for Raspberry Pi – Amazon (There’s no airflow in the case so I figured this was a good idea.
- Misc USB ends – Male A (3), Micro (1), Female A (I hacked an extension I had laying around.)
- Screen – 10″ Capacitive Touch Screen with LDVS Adapter from Chalk-Elec.com. I had a great experience with this company (they are based in Malaysia) but have heard mixed reviews from others.
- Brightness adjustment – 10K Potentiometer (I had this lying around – it replaced the light sensor that came with the screen / LDVS adapter.)
- GPIO – Ribbon cable and connectors (male and female) for GPIO.
- Power switch – Waterproof Metal On/Off Button with White LED Ring – From Adafruit.
- Screen / backing adhesive – Permanent double stick scrapbooking tape -Picked up locally from Hobby Lobby (if this ever fails I’ll get the 3M stuff they use on iPads)
- Hinges – 1″ Brass hinges (Picked up locally from Hobby Lobby)
- Extension for battery charging – Micro to Mini USB adapter – Amazon (to extend the charging port to outside the case.)
- Amplification – Fiio E5 Headphone Amplifier (Now replaced by the Fiio E6) – The Pi doesn’t have an on-board amplifier. This miniscule amp works and sounds great and pumps out enough volume to hear on planes.)
- Audio extension – 3.5mm Audio jack (like this) and hacked extension cable.
- Probably one or two other things I’m forgetting.
Associated Files:
Everything I used in one .zip file. (Now available on GitHub!)
The principle components of the enclosure are 1/2″ Baltic birch plywood and 1/16″ carbon fiber (for the back). I designed the cut files in Vectric’s incredible Aspire CAD/CAM package (though everything I did was in 2D) and used the image tracing feature to digitally recreate the components to ensure enough clearance. The components were placed on a scanner and loaded into the software so I could manipulate them for what I thought would be the best layout. Fortunately the folks at Chalk-Elec published a datasheet for the display with dimensions, although the corner radius wasn’t listed (it’s 10mm if you’re wondering.) I wanted to make the back the same size as the LCD panel, but the carbon fiber scrap I had was slightly too small so I had to re-size. I intended to machine the slots for the components using multi-sided machining but kept getting my layers confused. Because I was short on time and had limited material, I decided I’d hand cut the necessary slots (which ended up being easier than I thought.) I bought a new spiral downcut bit for a smooth finish and turned my CNC machine loose on the wood. After a bit of sanding and an inspection, I machined the carbon fiber with a 1/8″ carbide Dremel bit, sanded, and did a test fit. Everything lined up!
Next I laid out the electronics and marked out where I needed to cut access holes in the plywood frame. After everything was marked I cut though one layer of plywood with an Exacto knife, popped out the layer, and continued down until the slot was deep enough. Then I popped in the component, placed on the top, and checked to see if any more material needed removed. The SD card slot was another challenge. After measuring where the SD card would be and marking the area that needed removed, I taped a level onto my drill and drilled a series of holes using a 1/8″ bit. Then I used a coping saw to remove the rest. The results were a bit jagged so I cut a strip of sandpaper and worked it though the slot until smooth. Once I was satisfied with the holes, cut out the area for the hinges and mounted them into place. I’m not sure if was just me or a “thing” with hinges, but once installed the frame didn’t quite line up. Despite tweaking as much as I dared, it still wasn’t perfect. I ended up getting mad, mounting a belt sander in a vise and sanding the heck out of it until it lined up 100%. Once I was happy with it, I drilled in holes for the magnets. After I got the polarity right (yeah – I messed up a few times) I glued them in. Once dry, I removed the hinges and applied several coats of rub-on varnish.
When the varnish dried, I glued the carbon fiber backing in place, then installed all the components and ran / soldered the wiring. I put the whole thing together (nothing anchored in place yet) and turned it on. The power indicator blinked on and after a few tension-filled seconds, it booted! Everything including the touchscreen functioned as expected (which NEVER happens for me). I shut it down, finalized the layout, and started anchoring the components in place using either hot glue (I used this mainly for the wiring), permanent double sided tape, and foam tape. The display was affixed “Apple Style” using some crazy strong permanent tape around the inside edge. I clamped the battery and screen down and allowed the tape to cure over night to ensure a good bond.
The next day I realized I had a problem – the touchscreen wasn’t tracking my finger and a section of the screen was the wrong color. I quickly realized that I didn’t have enough clearance between the back of the Pi and the back of the screen. At this point I only had a few days before I left for Maker Faire, so I started freaking out a little. The Pi had to stay in it’s current location and was already as low as I could get it due to the SD card slot. I tried bending the metal around the USB port down but the issue persisted. So I got out my exacto knife and some pliers and pried the metal USB housing off completely. Then I took some cutters and completely removed the top USB port connections and plastic. That had to do it, right? Nope.. now the Ethernet jack was touching. While it didn’t distort the screen it was causing the touch to be erratic – so out came the soldering iron and away it went! Essentially I converted my Raspberry Pi Model B into a Model A with 512mb of RAM. But importantly, it worked and the PiPad was complete!
This image was taken while on my fight from Ohio to San Francisco (using a mouse because the touch-screen doesn’t work with RaspBMC.) The PiPad preformed flawlessly and didn’t raise an eyebrow going through security. On the plain though, a flight attendant kept walking by, looking closely at the homebuilt gadget I had on my tray table playing Talladega Nights. At one point I could feel her looking over my shoulder and was sure she was going to say something. She nudged me (I thought it was over at this point) and said “I love that movie – you’re coming up to the best part!” I’ve taken the PiPad on every flight I’ve been on since then and it’s never raised an eyebrow.
I’d e-mailed Eben Upton a few times for work, but didn’t have the chance to meet him at Maker Faire Bay Area. I did catch up with him at Maker Faire New York though. Eben is probably the most humble, down to earth person I’ve ever met – I really can’t say enough about him. After a long chat I showed him the PiPad. After several compliments and a few minutes of playing with it, Eben graciously signed the back at my request. His signature looks amazing on the carbon fiber!
Future Upgrades:
I’ve been considering adding a camera and IR sensor but am not quite sure if I want to bugger up the case. I do need to figure out how to get the touch screen working in Raspbmc – evidently it isn’t compiled with the nTrig driver. I may someday build a version 2.0 if I get ambitious..maybe if the Pi gets an upgrade. We’ll see!
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dont know how to unrar a rar file in raspian for the pipod any help?
see if the info in this thread helps …
Hi Michael,
I have a question on everybody’s favorite topic, the wiring of the power switch.
Looking at the diagram (https://www.evernote.com/shard/s81/sh/b6180196-9cd0-41c2-8be9-7539f6f80773/9220a85c7ce964eb8b5adb5f0a02ee6a ) you mention power going to the Pi (through a micro-usb jack taken from a cable), to the LVDS converted (through the power plug, although I wonder if I could do it through the USB jack next to it) and to the USB hub.
But looking at the pictures, especially https://www.flickr.com/photos/62562887@N05/8875259817/in/photostream/
I don’t see the wiring going to the USB hub. Did you really need to power it?
Hi Nicolas,
No problem – I should have taken better pictures of this part.
The power wires for the LVDS are actually visible here (https://www.evernote.com/shard/s81/sh/3c0e196d-d305-4457-ade5-2d8466a5476a/bf4600ca9539349d76b50afdbdceab6a)
On the underside – they are soldered on like this (black = negative, red = positive) – (https://www.evernote.com/shard/s81/sh/f80af5a6-2ab9-464a-ac4e-55eb6986a98f/0955205a0c8421ee3fd0364af4930743)
The Pi doesn’t really care where it gets power as long as it’s getting about an amp of 5vdc. The USB port on the LVDS adapter is intended to power the Pi but I didn’t use it due to space constraints. You could definitely power the Pi through the USB hub as well.
Regarding powering the hub, the Pi doesn’t put out much current through USB. I’ve had issues with brownouts with other Pis and wanted to avoid that with the PiPad. I probably could have gotten by with an unpowered hub however I like the ability to plug an unpowered up into the external USB port and have everything that I plug in work.
TL:DR – No, you probably don’t need to power the hub inside the PiPad, but it makes life a little easier when plugging other stuff in.
Sir/Madam (to all those who read this) I am a sudent of age 14 from india and i need to get a touch screen or touch screen panel for a price of Rs1000. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME . I am at the last phase of building it and i just need a touchscreen . My budget was 5000 and 3500 of it is over. I just wanted to complete the project.
Thanks! I will try it.
Has anybody here used Tinkercad before?
I have, didn’t really like it as much as Autodesk Fusion 360. It’s my goto for CAD now. Easy to use, powerful, and free!
My trouble with chalk-elec is they wont seem to agree on trading my old screen for a new screen
Really? They seemed pretty receptive when I had an issue. Sent them lots of pics. I had to pay shipping back to them but they sent me a new screen as soon as they received and tested the defective unit. Try hitting up their twitter in addition to the e-mail.
Of course!
Thank you again. I am going to use the e3 as a battery. Do you know or remember how you wired everything up?
I know this is silly asking but would I need a power adapter? Thanks
Not if you’re using a cell phone charger as a power supply. The adapter does come in handy for prototyping though.
Would this work with the Pcdunio 3?
Yep! It should.
I still have a ways to go. I still need battery, screen etc.
Wow. Thanks! I have been looking at Shapeways… Do you have a idea how much it would cost?
Hard to tell – they go by material / print time. Pretty sure you can upload your files (when completed) and get a quote.
Ok, Thank you!
I will be sure to! Oh and do you know of any websites or services I could get the case for my tablet made? Thanks
Ponoko.com is a good one for laser cutting and 3D printing. Shapeways is also good but mainly does 3D printing.
I might be able to as well depending on what you want (I have a CNC router.)
Hi Michael! I just bought a Pcdunio 3 to! Hmmm Pcdunio or UDOO…
It may be a Pcdunio tablet!
I was just eyeing that.. I do like the PCDuino platform – it’s a solid board with lots of features. The A10 versions I have are very snappy. Since it is powered by 5V like the Pi you can still use a cell phone charger for power. Love that they have a SATA port on there too, small-ish SSDs are fairly inexpensive anymore and would give you plenty of room for media. Let me know what you build!
Looks similar to https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/DukePad
Another version is https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/OpenJFX/DukePad
im having trouble with the command line programing for the 2.8′ tontec touchscreen for the pipod does anyone have a trusty link with the code?
The comments on Amazon look helpful – http://www.amazon.com/Tontec-2-4-inch-240×320-Display-Raspberry/dp/B00GASHVDU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389416263&sr=8-1&keywords=touchscreen+raspberry+pi
The files are available here – https://s3.amazonaws.com/ttbox/28screendoc.zip
Chalk-elec just got more screens! http://www.chalk-elec.com/?page_id=1280#!/~/category/id=3094861&offset=0&sort=priceAsc
There is also another touchscreen?
Nevermind. Do you know a battery that could power it?
It can take from 6-15VDC. A 3S RC Lipo battery should do it (11.1V). According to Udoo, the Quad uses 3.654 watts so a 3000mah battery should run it for about 10hrs (not counting the screen or anything else.)
Oh and could I power a UDOO with the anker astro e5???
Think I will call it a UDOOtab. (Maybe not)
Thanks. Just bought a UDOO Quad! I will prob use a touch screen from UDOO. Oh and is the Pipad going to be at Maker faire this year? Thanks
P.S. I am not choosing the pink avatar on purpose. 😉
Nice! Yes – the PiPad will definitely be at Maker Faire. Stop by the Maker Shed (they rarely let me out) and I’ll let you play with it.
Sadly I didn’t have any time to build another MF project this year. Maybe for New York…
I would like to do this build in our upcoming maker space. The screens are out of stock, any other screen suggestions?
Hi Michael! I was wondering.. Could a Pcdunio or a Udoo work as a “Brain” for the tablet? I am wanting to build a more powerful version of this.
Beaglebone black?
Moore important is the OS. what alternatives are there?
The BeagleBone Black would also work – they will be converting it to Debian soon (it’s Angstrom now.)
I guess the main question is what you want the tablet to do. The BeagleBone Black can’t handle HD content like the Pi (it uses the main processor for decoding rather than using a dedicated video processor like the Pi), so if you want something to watch movies on I’d recommend the Pi. If you’re more concerned about processing power (like OpenCV) and working with all the GPIOs, the BeagleBone Black would be perfect.
Android was made for phones and tablets, so it’s a natural choice (the PCDuino has an Android port that works great and is easy to install.) Debian and Ubuntu are both user friendly if you are looking for a desktop environment. There is an Android port for the BeagleBone (rowboat) but the last time I tired it I couldn’t get it to load.
Absolutely! I’ve considered this myself. Both the PCDuino and UDOO are great boards (I have both.) I think the PCDuino would be a bit easier because it operates at 5V (they recommend a 2A power supply) where as the UDOO needs 12V at 3A I believe. Both run Android very well, making them well suited for a DIY tablet.
I have the same issue as Sebastian. No clue how you connected to power of USB battery
I just left a comment to Sebastion. Here’s a picture of the underside of the Micro-USB connector, red wire positive, black negative.
First off, awesome build. You’ve inspired me to make something similar, except with a machined aluminum case. Do you think that would be more work than it’s worth? Thanks so much, and again, superb build.
How many amps does the screen and hub require?
I haven’t measured it but I think the screen / converter only use a bit over an amp. In all, I’d estimate total current draw of the PiPad to be a slightly more than 2 amps (but don’t quote me on it.)
I say this because I don’t see any wires connecting to the Micro USB connector, just the small tip that goes into the outlet in the Raspberry Pi
Sorry I don’t have better shots of that – I used some relatively thin-gauge wire to solder onto the bottom of the micro-USB connector. The connector and Pi completely cover this connection, but they are there. When I get the PiPad back from make I’ll get you a better shot.
Here’s a shot of the underside of the Micro-USB jack, red arrow pointing to positive and black to negative. I found it helps if you solder the wires so that the ends lay over the connector to conserve space. Let me know if this clears it up!
Thank you so much
I am so sorry if I am becoming redundant or I’m not seeing something clearly in my face, but how does the micro USB connector get power
also for the pi pad which Im building couldnt you just use the raspberry pi model a, if you needed to take off the ethernet and 1 usb ports anyway.
You could, but the Model A only has 256MB of RAM. It will get better battery life though.
Just decided to use a 2.8″ tontec touchscreen instead, and a powerbot external battery instead. starting to build the pipod!!
Sounds like fun! Let me know how it goes.
First of all, Big fan and 2. How does the power button connect to the Raspberry pi and screen. I don’t see it connecting to the Raspberry pi.
Hi Sebastian,
1. Thanks!! 2. If you look close you’ll see a USB micro connector in the back of the Pi and the cutout for it in the frame. The screen is powered through the LVDS adapter. It’s connected on the back. Here’s the world’s worst wiring diagram for reference (https://www.evernote.com/shard/s81/sh/b6180196-9cd0-41c2-8be9-7539f6f80773/9220a85c7ce964eb8b5adb5f0a02ee6a)
Excellent Job! I wanna make that with my 5 years old kid. Good Luck to Me!
Wish me a luck!
Yes – good luck indeed!
Of course this idea came from the pi pad
[…] https://mkcastor.com/2014/01/02/pipad-build/ […]
Just came up with the best idea! A portable 3.2″ raspberry pi model a pi pod using a sainsmart 3.2″ lcd tft touchscreen a Jackery mini premium external battery a wifi adapter the Raspberry pi model a, a sd card a vertical slide on off switch and a similar case to the pi pad
I’ll post something if I build it
Please do!
Also just for future reference what are some things like raspberry pi in terms of a mini computer motherboard
There are many; Riotboard, CubieBoard, PCDuino, Minnowboard, OLinuXino, UDOO, BeagleBone Black, and more that I’m forgetting.
would this touchscreen work for the pi http://www.amazon.com/SainSmart-Display-AT070TN90-Controller-Raspberry/dp/B00GZCUNQ8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1397826632&sr=8-2&keywords=touchscreen+raspberry+pi
and is there a way to return the 10 in. touchscreen or would anyone want to buy it from me because i think its broken or disfunctional
That *should* work but you’ll have to play around a bit to get the driver to function properly. Also, you’ll need 12VDC to power the screen / adapter.
Try contacting Chalk-elec to see if you can get a replacement. I had a similar issue with the frist screen I bought. They were prompt about responding and exchanging screens for me (it turns out the ribbon cable connector on the display was faulty.)
I just tried connecting the screen to a inspiron tv and it was still blank plus the touch function hasn’t worked in a while. is my screen broken?
Hi Ben,
It’s possible that you’ve received a dud. Give these a shot though:
1. Check where the LVDS connector comes into the back of the display and make sure it is seated properly.
2. Check to make sure the other end of the LVDS cable is plugged into the adapter in the correct orientation.
3. Ensure you are using a power supply adequate enough to power everything (should be a regulated 5V 3A supply if you’re powering the Pi from the LVDS adapter.)
4. Make sure none of the wires have come loose from the connector.
If you try the above 4 and still have issues, e-mail Dr. Ace Jeangle at support(at)chalk-elec.com
I tried to connect the lvds to a dell laptop and the screen was just blank. also i tried the wiring diagram on the potentiometer and it didnt effect the screen at all
Have you tried using berry boot on your tablet so you can have 2 os on one memory stick?
I haven’t, but will give it a shot when I get it back from Make!
[…] This tutorial can guide you to make a tablet pc from raspberry PI. Components of the raspberry PI can be linked with touch screen, power source and others. See the tutorial […]
Touchscreen just stopped working and screen still very dark, on rasbian. please HELP!!!!!!!!!
Hey Ben – Did you try attaching the LVDS / HDMI adapter to another source? Give that a shot and tell me what happens. Did you cut off the light sensor and install the potentiometer? Doing it improperly could cause the display to go blank.
Regarding the wiring, here’s a quick diagram – https://www.evernote.com/shard/s81/sh/2a2500e3-1ba5-48ef-a6f6-032a523d52ef/8a36654a132b83c6338a1d8898dc7366
Cant figure out how to connect the wires. Does anyone have a diagram for the 10k ohm potentiometer wire connections. Plus I think the screen might be broken because there is pretty much no light glowing from it, and i can barely see it. But the touchscreen functions working.
also is there a way to turn on the back light or is it always supposed to be on/connected with screen activity
The backlight brightness is controlled by the light sensor (or potentiometer if you’ve wired one in) but can also be controlled in Raspbian. By default the screen will dim after so many minutes. You should be able to disable / change the time before dimming in the screen saver options.
making this tablet, needed help with the potentiometer, don’t know where to connect it and touch screen back light isn’t working. the pictures very dim
Hi Ben,
The screen will have two wires connected to what looks like a clear LED. It is actually a 10K ohm light sensor. Just cut it off and solder a 10K potentiometer in its place. It should work just fine after that (at least it did for me.)
Oh and would the anker astro e5 be OK to use instead of the e3?
Yep, it should. Just keep in mind that one of the ports is 2A and the other is 1A. The E3 puts out 3A through either port (but not simultaneously). If you start experiencing “weird” issues you may need to reconsider the E3 or another pack capable of putting out more than 2A.
Hey Michael! I am going to build a “Pipad” myself and was wondering if you knew if this screen would work for a tablet thanks!
Here is the link: http://www.sainsmart.com/7-inch-tft-lcd-monitor-for-raspberry-pi-touch-screen-driver-board-hdmi-vga-2av.html
That should work. Just bear in mind that the display driver likely requires 12V and the touchscreen may not be supported by default (the required driver isn’t listed.) Hmm – that display looks like it might fit perfectly into my car…
Hahahahaah. Yes thank you I am going to be using a different battery so it should work ine.
Great work; have you tried this solution ( http://markamc.traki-iski.co.uk/?p=168#comment-298) for working touch support? It seems to work with latest raspbmc-build. Have some problems after rebooting but a solution is in the blog.
I have not but will as soon as I get the PiPad back from Make! Thanks for the link!